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Feb 08th 2024

How to give Azure built-in roles a friendly names in Bicep


If you are using Bicep to create Azure resources, you might have encountered a situation where you need to assign a built-in role to a parameter. However, the Bicep syntax for role assignments requires you to use the role definition ID, which is a GUID value. This makes the code painful to read and maintain.  

To fix this annoyance, you can use the following PowerShell script that creates a Bicep file with a variable for each built-in role:

# Run the Azure CLI command to list role definitions and store the output in a variable
$roleDefinitions = az role definition list | ConvertFrom-Json

# Initialize the output string with the opening of the Roles object
$output = "@export()`nvar Roles = {"

# Loop through each role definition to construct the body of the Roles object
foreach ($role in $roleDefinitions) {
    # Remove characters not allowed in variable names and construct the line
    $roleName = $role.roleName -replace '[()./-]', '' -replace ' ', ''
    $output += "`n    ${roleName}: '$($'"

# Close the Roles object
$output += "`n}"

# Output to a file
$output | Out-File -FilePath roletypes.bicep

The script fetches all the current roles, removes special characters and adds them to the Roles -variable.

Now you could take the roletypes.bicep in use in your Bicep by importing it like this:

@description('List of all Azure RBAC roles')
import {
} from 'roletypes.bicep'

And now where you would need to pass a role, you can do it like this:

roleDefinitionIds: [

You might want to run the script periodically to get the latest added new roles.

Author:Jani Nevalainen

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